Now Servicing Newcastle (NSW) & Adelaide (SA)


Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Our Psychosocial Recovery Coaches

Our psychosocial recovery coaches are dedicated professionals who offer personalised assistance to individuals who have experienced mental health challenges, trauma, or significant life changes. These recovery coaches play a vital role in helping you regain a sense of normalcy, purpose, and hope in your life.

You will be matched with a skilled and empathetic psychosocial recovery coach who will support you through each step of the process. They will take the time to understand your unique needs, challenges, and goals, empower you to develop coping mechanisms, enhance your emotional resilience and improve your overall wellbeing.

We provide psychosocial recovery coaching to all areas of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland and lower Hunter Valley.

Our Process

Meet &

Meet one of our friendly staff members & see if you will be a good match. Let the conversation flow and talk about all things Recovery, NDIS, life & more.

Access your

Let’s take a look at your NDIS Plan & see how we can best help you utilise your plan.

Create a
Recovery Plan

We’ll put together a comprehensive Recovery Plan that is individualised & personal to your needs.

Connect you to
Service Providers

We’ll connect you with service providers that will help enable & aid the recovery. Assist with Functional Assessments for the next Plan review.


We’ll support you weekly, fortnightly or monthly to help you achieve your NDIS recovery goals.


We’ll assist with your entire NDIS plan review.

Under the NDIS

What is Meant by Recovery?

The NDIS defines recovery as “achieving an optimal state of personal, social and emotional well-being, as defined by each individual, whilst living with or Recovering from a mental health condition.”

Mental health experts agree that those experiencing psychosocial disability are likely to greatly benefit from having choices and feeling more in control of their daily living and self-management.

Social and economic participation are also empowering and can help overcome feelings of isolation and worthlessness. Recovery coaches can facilitate these positive outcomes for increased well being and quality of life.

Remote Services

We also Service Rural & Remote Communities.

We offer Psychosocial Recovery Coaching in hard-to-reach places: Rural and Remote Communities!

Mental health doesn’t discriminate no matter where you live and that’s why Sunflower services has expanded its services to those who need it most through an all-online platform. The same service, connection, assistance, and friendliness, all through online communication. The help you need is never too far away.

Under the NDIS

Who can be a Recovery Coach?

A Recovery Coach may be…

Someone with a lived experience (called a lived
experience recovery coach) or;

Someone with learned experience & knowledge of
psychosocial disability & mental health.

Recovery Coaches must have…

Tertiary qualification in Peer Work or Mental Health
(minimum Cert IV) or equivalent training &/or;

A minimum two years of experiences in Mental Health.

Ready To Find Out If We’re A Good Fit?